What If A Burglar Breaks My Window?

burglar alarm systems staten island

It makes sense to question the necessity of glass break detection – after all, aren’t motion detectors enough? In some cases, they may be. But what if you have glass on your front door, or a sliding glass door in the rear of the house? In either of those cases, an intruder may see breaking the glass on one of those doors as his fastest way to enter. And if he does, then glass break detection will be the first technology in your system to intervene.

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Why You Need to Install a Home Alarm System Now

Safety Precautions should be used to avoid problems. An alarm system can provide alerts about dangers, which will help family members to make important decisions about other precautions such as about reinforced patio doors or about doors that do not have windows.

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4 Reasons A Burglar Hates Alarm Systems

Law enforcement records and statistics indicate that the majority of home burglaries are committed by youths who live in the victim’s neighborhood, rather than by professional burglars. But, young or old, amateur or professional, all burglars have much in common

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What You Can Learn From Victims of Burglary

If you have ever been burglarized, perhaps you were able to glean some wisdom from the unfortunate experience. Here are some of the most common lessons learned by victims of burglary, which can be very helpful for those who are new at devising a home security plan:

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